Cosmic Cities, Grand Canyon of Arizona

Black Iris VI, 1936, Georgia O'Keeffe, American, 1887-1986, oil on canvas, 36 x 24 in., Paul G. Allen Family Collection. Georgia O'Keeffe: © 2017 Georgia O'Keeffe Museum / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.
Artist Arthur Wesley Dow was also a prolific teacher, having taught at major arts training institutions like the Pratt Institute, New York Art Students League, and Columbia University Teachers College. He taught his most famous student, Georgia O’Keeffe, during his time at the Teachers College from 1914-1916. See
Black Iris VI (Black Iris II) by Georgia O’Keeffe in this exhibition, and how she expands on Dow’s approach of simplifying real landscapes to creating abstracted landscapes of her own.