The Grand Canyon
David Hockney, A Bigger Grand Canyon, 1998, oil on 60 canvases, 81 ½ x 293 in., Paul G. Allen Family Collection. © David Hockney. Photo Credit: Richard Schmidt. Collection of National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
David Hockney,
A Closer Grand Canyon, 1998, oil on 60 canvases, 81 1/2 x 293″ overall, Collection Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark, © David Hockney, Photo: Richard Schmidt
In addition to the painting in this exhibition, artist David Hockney created two other paintings of the Grand Canyon. He painted A Bigger Grand Canyon first, a similar view as this version but with different details. Hockney painted A Closer Grand Canyon last, which brings the viewer farther into the scene to the canyon’s edge.